Saturday, October 04, 2008

Ok, It's all VERY good!

I know it's been a while. I'm sorry and certainly there is no way I could tell you about all the things that have happened in my life in one single post, but suffice to say, I am very happy. I left Reuters and I can say It was a great experience to be there for a timem, but things change and the time for new challenges came and I love where I am.

I am now at the Futures Industry Association. It is great there. I love the people I work with, I love what our non-profit organization does and I love the new challenges. People are getting sick of hearing me say "I love my job!"  but I do. Get used to it, because You will hear it for a long, long time.

That being said. I have another love and it comes in the form of a man who rides a bike. I have a big smile on my face right now. In fact, well, I have a smile on my face pretty much all the time. On the subway, strutting down K Street, (yes I am now part of the "K Street Corridor") I've gotten so happy that it's hard to contain. I'm not going to go into details but I can tell you this EVERY experience, even the hard ones are gifts. When the worst of times come there is something to be gained by it.

I hope my two little loves- Ben and little Jack can learn from their mom that life never comes in an expected way but it is full of blessing and joy- and that joy comes from within. The sun shines even when it doesn't!

Five favorite things:
1. knowing all the time that life is indeed excellent
2. seeing, tasting and smelling the good in every thing
3. all the uncertainty and excitement in that new road ahead.
4. this basket of fresh warm clean laundry
5. crisp lovely October and nursing crazy cyclists back to health after doing insane rides!

Oh, and take a good long look at this man, because I'd be a happy woman spending the rest of my life cycling closely behind him!

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