Monday, October 06, 2008

Chilly Mornings, Great Ride

I had a great ride yesterday. I headed out when the crazy spud went off to get a massage after enlisting to torture himself the day before on a 75 mile single track mountain bike ride- the Fleeing of the Yams.

It was 22 miles, which is a good distance when it's all hills. although I am told these are "baby hills." They sure didn't feel like it to me. My heart rate averaged 145 but I hit 175 on a number of occasions- I know just where they were. I saw two snakes, one dead and one alive- I really really really do not like wildlife. Any way, it's been a great weekend - I actually headed back this morning from Pennsylvania and am proud of myself that I did not buy any Maple Doughnuts. I really wanted to but I'm on a weight loss role-- I've lost 7.5 lbs in the past two weeks. I'm not in a rush but I'd like to lose 33 more lbs. It would really help my riding and racing for the 2009 season.

Five favorite things:
1. that terrible alarm clock being turned off quickly
2. this cool morning
3. traffic that moves
4. sleeping spuds
5. sleeping spuds

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