Saturday, March 01, 2008

Not snowin' here!

I arrived here late Friday afternoon and it was 78. I left my overcoat in the car at BWI because I don't need it. We shortly thereafter stopped at an Italian restaurant on the island and ate mussels, salad and a pizza with anchovies, salami and onions- excellent but very very full.

Today it was sunny and perfect- and we went for a really long walk with the dogs. I will take pictures tomorrow of some of the beautiful houses on this island- it reminds me a lot of San Diego before it got really built up. Today we went out in Spencer's blowup kayak (it's really a canoe but he keeps calling it a kayak) and just floated around the harbor and took pictures- I've posted one. a nice lazy day. Salad for dinner here and then we're going to a movie. Tomorrow we will spend the day with Spencer's parents in Sarasota-- we may stop at some park to see aligators (although you know my sentiments about the whole wildlife issue.

1. a good bowl of fruit
2. sunny skies and warm weather
3. blowup canoes that stay inflated!
4. candy
5. a little sun on my cheeks.

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