Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Life was looking very rosy after having the perfect martini. I was waiting for my takeout dinner at this local independent restaurant, which makes a perfect Argentinian-style steak with chimi churi. I met actually a very lovely woman who works for the National Cathedral, sitting there drinking a much more drab glass of white wine.

To offset my gin indulgence I was up at 5:30 and at the gym for a spinning class. It was the first I've taken at the YMCA, as I usually do them downtown at my other gym. I rather enjoyed it and it came at a good time, because I was feeling a bit aimless about what my workout would be this morning. Yesterday I lifted weights and it will come as a relief to know that yes I am indeed still an Iron Maiden, I can bench well in excess of 100 lbs. I have this gorgeous dress I am planning to wear at Christmas time but it is sleeveless so I am keeping up with the weight-lifting.

What else, well my good friend Leslie in Tucson finished a grueling 100 mile bike race. I am so proud of her and she is indeed puttting me to shame with all this.

Please give me a bit of a pat on the back because for more than a week now I have been drinking soy milk in my coffee instead of cream. This may seem like a small thing, but it is a huge thing actually.

1. soy milk in coffee (kind of)
2. finishing spin class
3. a good martini
4. a good friend with whom I can enjoy that martini
5. not eating the dark chocolate/pecan/caramel/shortbread tart I brought in to work today

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


I do not have to stay up all night tallying the mid-term elections. I am actually happy about that. I will be doing a "what does this mean for the middle-class" story probably tomorrow or Thursday if we get a real sense of things.

I did nothing athletic yesterday. (well nothing terribly athletic.) I will run this evening before I vote and get in some weight lifting. Have to keep up my strength even though I am not racing until next year.

What else? Hmm. Nothing much really. I'm sick of eating salads every day from Au Bon Pain. I am going to start packing my lunches I think.

1. this picture
2. not having to tally election returns all night
3. a good long run
4. good strong french roast coffee
5. not having to eat a salad tomorrow for lunch

Sunday, November 05, 2006


I had a very long run on Saturday. It was a very good thing for me. Not only good for my physical well-being but I could clear my thoughts and really focus on what is important.

After singing in the choir and then visiting with my brother, his wife and son here for a couple of hours I then went for a quick three mile run. I am feeling a bit stiff but good. I can't wait to take a nice long shower and then climb into bed for a good read. It's going to be another busy week, particularly with the mid-term elections. I am sure I will be given some stupid writing assignments this week.

I have eaten pretty well this week. I am not going to weigh myself but once a week instead of every day. I tend to fluctuate widely with my weight so I think it's better to weigh in once a week. My clothing and how they fit is always a good barometer of how I'm doing. Also, I'm not going to eat a lot. case closed. no candy, no sugar, no processed carbs. The gorilla girl diet-- fruit, vegetables, lean meats and nuts.

My plans are to run every day. A long run one day and then a shorter one the next with a focus on running at a faster pace. I am pondering, PONDERING, doing a marathon next fall. We will have to see how I do and how things are going. I do indeed like running long distance it is very relaxing to me but I need to be able to pick up my speed a bit. If I could get down to a consistent 8:30 miles, I would consider doing a marathon. I just don't want to make a complete fool of myself.


1. running a very long distance
2. running the very next day
3. feeling these good aches like I had a good workout
4. a good night's sleep
5. walking away from the bad stuff and not feeling too bad about it.

Saturday, November 04, 2006


It's a new day and the sky is as sapphire blue as it could be. I'm setting out for a very long run today and I'm looking forward to it. Today is a new start. I'm sure you are sick of reading that because I've had a lot of "new starts" but that's how it is. I am fortunate enough to have new starts. That's better than a downward spiral I suppose.

So down this road, there are new faces, new places, new hurdles, new joys and new saddnesses to be had. Such is life. So what's a tough triathlete girl to do? Get up, get out there and run. Tomorrow I will ride and the next day I will continue on with something else. That's how it goes.

Sometimes life is hard and you have to just take it in 15 minute segments. That's what I'm doing right now and it's working somewhat. Everything has a purpose.


1. blue skies
2. a deep long sleep
3. new running shoes (badly needed)
4. retail therapy
5. that little bit of strength.

Friday, November 03, 2006


A friend gave me some poinant advice this week. "A car pointed down hill has to be driven a little further down hill before you can turn it around."

This has been a tough week. This road called life is not flat and it is indeed not smooth but progress is made all the while that I travel on it. It was a very busy week at work and also a bit humbling. I did write a very good story about the plight of the middle class and it got wide play but there were some other disappointments this week, both at work and in other areas.

Such is life. What's a tough triathlete gal to do? Well, get up, dust yourself off and keep moving. Happiness is found in strength and persistence and staying on the right path. Sometimes it is hard to keep my feet on the ground. I have the capacity to find such joy in things, perhaps too much and prematurely so, but I do-- To be able to do that is important and I am grateful for the ability to do so even if it is ill-delivered.

This weekend. Well, it didn't start off as I had hoped but it's sure going to get better. I am doing a long run tomorrow morning. The last time I felt this way I managed to run 10 miles! So yes, there is good in everything. I then have a bike racing clinic I'm doing later in the weekend. This will be a good way to see if this whole biking racing (beyond triathlons) is for me. I am looking forward to my long weekend in Florida which is coming up. It is good to find support in one's friends and I am blessed with many of them indeed.


1. strength
2. good friends
3. a path that lies ahead
4. new running shoes
5. me