Wednesday, May 31, 2006

First Day Back at it

I've pretty much managed to ruin my marriage and some other relationships in my efforts toward self-improvement. I realize this doesn't make much sense, so I have decided today to embark on an entirely different approach.

I am most happy and free when I am riding on my lovely racing bike. I had a recent spill with this bike in an unfortunate situation in more ways that I care to explain, but all is well with me and. I slapped down some bills and got the nice guys at the bike shop to bring her back to her glory.

My goal through all this is to keep my eye on the prize-- what is that? Improving my life. Being happy and loving my family and friends. These things come with hard work. I am back on track off of a bad path and onto the better one. I will soon go back to work full-time- I was just offered a very good job and I accepted, so I will be back in the game again. It's all coming together.

1. strength
2. friends
3. family
4. my boys
5. freedom

Monday, May 15, 2006


It's supposed to rain all week long. That means no cycling this week. Oh well, I'll survive I suppose. I need to focus on swimming anyway, as the Chesapeake Bay swim nears.

I had a restful weekend. Didn't do anything. I was actually rather sore all weekend long from a personal training session I had on Thursday.

Today I plan to do some running on the treadmill, a bit of time on the arc trainer and then Iron Maidens and my personal training appointment. That may sound like a lot, but it's actually just all in about 2.5 hours. These are the last days I'll be able to work out like this, as I am seeking a full-time job.

I've lost more weight. I'm not really trying, but I haven't had much of an appetite over the last week and a half. Just how it is I suppose. I'm thinner now than I was in my 20s. Kindof a good feeling actually. What it shows is that anything is indeed possible if you commit yourself to it. 42 is the new 22!!


1. fresh hot bagels
2. Italian dark roast coffee
3. a full night's sleep
4. a smile that's been on my face for some time now
5. oh, as always, lovely green eyes.

Sunday, May 14, 2006


It's supposed to rain all week long. I hate that. I will be doing most of my working out it seems now at the gym. I will focus on swimming and running on the boring treadmill.

It has been a fun weekend. I bought all of my tomato plants and flowers for the patio. I haven't planted them yet though. That's the worst part.

I really haven't done much in the line of exercise this weekend- I guess I will be more serious about that on Monday-- I am very very sore from my Thursday personal training appointment - I still can't lift my arms up all the way.


1. coffee
2. new clothes
3. coffee
4. a good nap
5. dunno

Friday, May 12, 2006


Well, yesterday was my first day back with my personal trainer, Jason. I haven't had a session with him in a month so it was a killer. I've lost a bit of my strength but I am confident it will return-- I am very sore today. He was not easy on me at all. That being said- I am actually glad to be sore because I want to get back to where I was strengthwise.

It is very beautiful out today after a very rainy day yesterday. I got soaked about three or four times coming and going as I do but I survived.

I am not going to do any working out today because I can barely move. Tomorrow I will do a nice easy 5K run and then some cycling. In fact, it's going to be a big cycling weekend for me. As a mother's day treat, I get the afternoon to myself to do a long lovely bike ride- I'm hoping to go out on the O& D and ride about 60 to 75 miles at a nice fun pace. I am looking forward to it.

Things are going much better. They took a huge turn for the better yesterday and I am very happy about that.


1. My goodness, green eyes.
2. my favorites....
an orange and dark chocolate
3. the aftermath of a good workout
4. feeling much better than I did on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
5. something else that's a secret.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Eye on the prize

So here I am, a few races ahead of me in the next few months and I am going to continue on this self-improvement. I started this blog with the question- is the glass half empty or half full? It is indeed half full, at times though it's hard to remember this.

It has been a hard week for me for a number of reasons, but I am going to pull out of this and get back on focus. I made it to the gym at 5:30 this morning for a quick workout and am glad I did it. Later today I will start back up with my personal trainer- It's a very important investment for me, particularly right now!

My plan is to lose 15 more pounds and then I want to really improve my running speed. I have a hard time running and I think additional weight loss will help. Wish me luck as I tread on. Today I feel like that character in a fight scene who keeps getting knocked down and you just wish the poor soul would just stay down but he keeps standing back up. That's me. I do always get back up.

1. focussing on the important things
2. getting up at 5:00 am even when I'm exhausted
3. being strong, even when it's really hard
4. finding the right path after being on a bad one
5. getting back up repeatedly after being knocked down

Friday, May 05, 2006


Running is definitely my weakest link in the triathlon. I am going to focus over the next several months on improving my running- both for endurance and speed. I plan to lose 40 more pounds. Not for appearance reasons (which wouldn't hurt) but so I can run faster.

I went for a nice bike ride last night. Did not see the strange "Yellow Crested" Herons that I usually see in Sligo creek-- but I think they will show again-- I rode to the Prince Georges county border- I don't know how long the ride is- I should just look down on my Cat's Eye and see. I'm riding still a bit slower but getting back to my racing strength.

Today will be my first day back at Iron Maidens. It's been almost a month and I'm looking forward to it. I doubt I will be benching as much as I did in early April, but I am told I can get my muscle and cardio strength back quickly-- I'm happy that I have a good month and half before the Chesapeake Bay swim. I really want to improve my time for this race and also have fun doing it.

I recently learned that a friend of a friend who is older and not generally athletic is going to do her first marathon this October. I am very happy to hear that and plan to sponsor her once I get the proper link-- I will put that link up here on this blog as well so we can all cheer Susan along in her training. I don't know her, but I completely identify with her goals and hope that she has a great journey.


1. getting back at it.
2. green eyes-- sorry just a huge weakness of mine
3. brisk cycling
4. defying expectations
5. seeing others set really high goals.

Thursday, May 04, 2006



It's great to be back posting after taking a break for a few weeks while I recovered. I started back at my workouts with a three-mile race-- The Capital Challenge. Yesterday I ran (well I'll give more details lower down) with a team of colleagues from Reuters. It was in a park along the Anacostia river. Very nice and I ran into a bunch of people I know.

Okay, that being said-- it's only been three weeks since my surgery, and I did a little bit of running the night before on the treadmill with little incident but I started feeling a good bit of pain when I was running this race on Wednesday, so I slowed down and then eventually had to turn to a walk/run pattern-- i did finish however. I will always finish a race-

I've been getting back into the cycling too-- I really missed riding my bike and I plan to go out this evening for the third ride this week. We are having great weather and I love being outside. I have the Chesapeake Bay swim coming up in June-- I think I will try to add another 5K run to my list sometime this month just to keep the incentive going.

I have posted a link to my colleague Alan Elsner's website- he has two books published so far: One about the U.S. prison system and a book about his father. Please check this out.

I am disappointed that I could not run at least 9 minute miles in the three mile race, but I didn't want to compromise my health- I'm still a little tender from the running, but feel great and got the ok from my Dr. to do whatever working out I want to do-- That means I will be back to the weight room tomorrow.


1. sunny warm weather
2. cycling in the evening
3. buying new clothes
4. finishing races
5. stamina