Thursday, May 01, 2014

Art Show This Weekend, Some Last Minute Painting!

I finished this last night at 1:00 am. I'm going to have to install this as the show is in process, which is kindof against the rules, but so be it.

This weekend is my art show. I have an all-artists opening reception on Friday night and then I will be onsite for most of the weekend as my art is viewed.

Five Favorite Things:
1. wearing a new dress
2. NO PAIN! in my knee
3. accepting that I am sad but also happy about things too
4. that my basement did not leak with the deluge of rain we received
5. that I finished the above painting!

My art show is part of the Takoma Art Hop. Click on these two logos- (Art Hop and Roscoe's) for details and directions.

Please come. I will be onsite where my art is on display at: (click on logo for details) I have a reception in the main dining room on Sunday May 4 from 3:30 to 5:30. Please come, I'll be there, you can ask me questions about my work and you can enjoy some amazing wood-fired pizza and some other tasty treats from this great establishment- lovely wine too!

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