Saturday, March 22, 2008

San Diego

The weather has been perfect here. It's nice to have my family together. We've been very very busy going to the beach. These pictures were taken at Point Loma.We walked all over and plan to go back to explore the tidal basins during low tide.

This evening we colored way more Easter eggs than needed but so it goes. Last evening we found a spot on Laurel,(about 10 feet below the planes landing at the airport) and watched as the planes flew in. then to this decadent burger and shake place. (I did not get a burger but did have a third of a vanilla shake).

I hope my dress fits me!


1. little blondies who keep picking lemons
2. smart 9 yr olds who know all about military planes
3. the feeling after finishing running up the steep steep nasty beastly hills here
4. the smell of jasmine in the air
5. having the bad stuff behind me and being happy about it.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Ben turns 9

It was a very fun celebration we had earlier this week for Ben's 9th birthday. I can't believe he is 9! We went to Cheeseburger Cheeseburger and the boys had burgers (free birthday burgers) and I ate a boring salad of course.

then we went to the hobby store and bought balsa wood model air planes. We are headed to San Diego in a couple of weeks and there will likely be more celebration when we arrive there.

I have been under the weather for the past few days and am feeling much better.

I have also created a new blog for my art.

please visit this site and let me know what you think. I will be upgrading it.

1. feeling better
2. these cute cute blondies
3. longer days and more daylight
4. painting
5. again, these cute boys.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Lot 6627

I have been coming here now for more than 23 years to stand in front of what is identified as "Lot 6627" at Arlington Cemetery but what represents the resting spot for the biggest loss I have endured in my life thus far.

It is hard to believe that I am now in my 45th year and David was only 24 when he left this world. His spot here lies between a Korean War Veteran who died in 2004 after a good long life and a Vietnam Vet who had been a prisoner of war and also missing in action and whose remains, when found were put to rest a few days after David's. I always tell that Vietnam POW to take care of David, thinking that he had been through so much hardship and suffering that he was very very wise and could help my daredevil friend. Or perhaps it would be the other way around.

Having David in my life, albeit for such a short time that was cut off so abruptly, has been a gift that cannot be compared to anything else.

The trees now are big, like they've been here all along. I remember when this was a newly filled part of Arlington Cemetery, sadly this Section 66 is now filled up and there are many more new sections getting filled. Just over the hill is the Sept. 11 memorial that stands near the Pentagon. A lot of sad stuff and sad memories rest with us in this world but by the grace of God we continue.

For years I've tried to put my thoughts into words about David, but it has been too difficult and it seems that my humble prose cannot begin to reflect or represent that time in my life. It still is difficult, but I guess these things age with you in a way that offers wisdom and vision.

I remember 23 years ago not knowing how I'd be able to continue on with such sadness, but I have. I wake up every day thinking of David. But I've had a very full life, I am raising a family and I've never moved backward on this road called life.

Love endures. It brings you joy like nothing else and it can tear you apart but it endures. That is good.

1. moving forward, really
2. a heart that will mend
3. a strong will
4. good iced tea
5. not having to always list a B: when you have an A: point.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Not snowin' here!

I arrived here late Friday afternoon and it was 78. I left my overcoat in the car at BWI because I don't need it. We shortly thereafter stopped at an Italian restaurant on the island and ate mussels, salad and a pizza with anchovies, salami and onions- excellent but very very full.

Today it was sunny and perfect- and we went for a really long walk with the dogs. I will take pictures tomorrow of some of the beautiful houses on this island- it reminds me a lot of San Diego before it got really built up. Today we went out in Spencer's blowup kayak (it's really a canoe but he keeps calling it a kayak) and just floated around the harbor and took pictures- I've posted one. a nice lazy day. Salad for dinner here and then we're going to a movie. Tomorrow we will spend the day with Spencer's parents in Sarasota-- we may stop at some park to see aligators (although you know my sentiments about the whole wildlife issue.

1. a good bowl of fruit
2. sunny skies and warm weather
3. blowup canoes that stay inflated!
4. candy
5. a little sun on my cheeks.