Friday, October 27, 2006


I made some good progress this week on many fronts. I managed to go to the gym and get some good workouts done, Met some interesting people. In particular, I had a great meeting with a source in Chinatown. I should get lots of stories out of that.

I am working the night shift here at work. I really miss doing this shift. It is very cold lately and the leaves are all turning. Our maple is a blazing red. It's nice to be reminded that everything is a cycle and that when things get difficult, that too is just part of a cycle. Anger, resentment and fear are things that add poison to one's outlook. It is best to fix things or move on from them and not hold a grudge. It is also better to take the high road and not always try to seek justice. This can be very hard to do at times, but I am going to put my best foot forward on this front.

Regarding weight loss. Nada this week. It's a slow process and I am working at it at a comfortable pace. I don't think the dark chocolate bar infused with orange that I ate tonight could have helped on this front but it sure was good. I love dark chocolate. I have a big feature story I am working on regarding the middle class. I am very excited about it and hope to make good progress in writing it tonight although I have indeed been dragging my heels. My hopes tomorrow are to go and get in a nice long run and then perhaps a 20 mile bike ride in. I have my bike racing clinic the weekend of Nov. 5 and I am looking forward to that. It will be on a velodrome track with one of those scary bikes that has no brakes. Totally excited- totally!


1. making peace over the bad stuff
2. orange/dark chocolate bars
3. not eating a punch bowl full of peanut m/m s
4. source lunches in chinatown
5. just getting to this point in one piece with a smile on this face!

Monday, October 23, 2006

Back on the Wagon

Today started out very well. I was at the gym before 6:00 am. I lifted weights, ran on the treadmill then did 30 hard minutes on the ARC trainer. I felt great and it is a wonderful way to start the day. I try to do it this way daily but my job and just being too tired to get out of bed at 5:15 often preclude me from doing so.

I have no more races this year, so my plan is to focus on improving my running and also shaving off 30 pounds for the next season so I can do category four bike racing and be a bit lighter. I could buy a lighter bike but it's been pointed out that making myself lighter would be helpful as well. If I shave off 30 lbs I will be lighter than I was in college. Not too shabby for this 42 yr old.

Today I've been very good on the diet front. I've had about a quart of water so far and for breakfast I had half a whole wheat bagel plain and a plate of berries and melon. For lunch I had field greens with a SMALL amount of dressing, with grilled chicken and tomatoes. That was followed up with a plate of fresh fruit- water for my beverage.

I had a good weekend. I went apple picking with my boys, which was quite fun until I had to pay for the 20 lbs of apples. Now I have no idea what to do with all these apples. They are very good and huge. Perhaps I will make a pie for my neighbors, I can be nice sometimes.

I have been thinking recently about taking up Karate lessons, at a place in Beltsville I think. Should be fun and will probably get my heart rate up and be a good way to stay toned and entertained over the winter months. I need a new change I think. I will look into this more tomorrow.


1.this iced java I'm sucking on right now
2. chilly fall days
3. karate arms
4. more time to put off writing an analysis my editor is expecting
5. these hot new shoes I am wearing right now.

Friday, October 20, 2006


It was a great race, my last for this year and I did it with my friend Leslie, who got me into these crazy races. She flew into D.C. to do my first race this past April with me, so it's only fitting that we finished off the season together.

I will post pictures when I get them. It was also an important race because my parents and my sister drove to see the race from San Diego. I am so pleased they did that. It meant a lot to me.
Leslie and I also rode up Mt. Lemmon, which is a 9000 ft elevation mountain. That was quite a climb but an amazing ride down. Words cannot explain that at all.

Today I am setting out to do more regular postings to this blog and to keep on focus. Since January I set out to share my struggles through weight loss and training for these races. At the time, I didn't really think I could do a triathlon and now with five of these races under my belt, I can tell you there is no turning back. I've come very far and I've been over some big bumps, both physically and emotionally. Nothing is a straight and easy path, but when you achieve your goals through all the hard work, it all seems worth it.

My goal over the next six months is to lose 30 pounds and I will be mapping my progress here on this blog. I welcome suggestions and words of encouragement. I am 100 lbs lighter than I was in April 2005, but I have more to lose.

1. having five triathlons under my belt
2. being able to say I survived the bad stuff
3. still walking forward with all the good stuff
4. a sunny outlook on what lies ahead
5. new commitments toward self improvement.


Wednesday, October 11, 2006


There is nothing worse than watching the clock all day long. That's what I've been doing. I was given an assignment to write up a rather technical analysis piece on the government's latest data estimates and I just can't bring myself together to finish it. I will tomorrow.It will be a fairly good story, but it has been painful to say the least.

I have one more triathlon. It's this weekend and it's in Tucson with my friend Leslie. She helped me kick off my season here doing the Cure Autism Now race with me in April and I can think of no better way to end the 2006 triathlon season than with her. I am excited because some of my family will be there to watch the race. My parents haven't really understood this whole racing thing, so they will get a good view of the excitement. I hope they enjoy the race.

I've been single-parenting this week. No problem. But I fly out on Friday morning for my race and I can't wait. My friend Leslie is planning a Saturday morning warmup ride up Mt. Lemmon. This should be very interesting to say the least-- I am pretty much a light weight compared to her.

After eating and drinking way too much this weekend I am being good this week but it's been very hard. Today for breakfast I had fresh berries, melon and coffee. For lunch I had roasted vegetables and I have no idea what I will have for dinner. Something light I think because I don't want to feel full. HOWEVER, I have been thinking about food all day.

Every 20 minutes or so I keep wandering back to the kitchen at work, hoping that the TV people have dropped off their leftovers -- cookies and other junk. No such luck. Out of desperation I even decided to have hot chocolate, but when I pushed the button on the machine, this cloudy water came out -- Oh well, no junk for me. That's a good thing I suppose.


1. the prospects of finishing this horrible analysis piece
2. leaving here before it gets cold for Tucson
3. coffee every couple of hours to keep me from eating too much
4. skinny pants that fit
5. good weight lifting session