Sunday, April 09, 2006


Well today was the big race. I was up and out at 4:45 this morning. It was incredibly cold but my friend Leslie and I were really up for the race. This was her second triathlon and she flew in from Arizona. I'm now going to work on flying out there for a triathlon this fall-- it will be warmer than today's which is most appealing!

A lot of time before the race was spent sorting out the logistics of what I'd wear for each event. With swimming first I had to think out how I could strip off as much of the wet stuff before mounting my bike. It all worked out in the end, but I was very cold as it was in the low 30s.

Swimming was a breeze. In fact I was surprised that all those skinny triathlon runners were such horrible swimmers, flailing about doing side-stroke etc. I feel like I really speeded through the swimming part with eaze.

It was really cold transitioning for the bike ride. Try being in a bathing suit in 30 degrees weather. Once I got on that bike course though, I have to say my face started hurting from smiling so much. It was fabulous. I love my racing bike and I was passing a good many people. My boys saw me on each of the three laps I did on the 10 mile bike course- holding up a "GO MOMMY" sign. It was great.

I can't say the running part was nearly as enjoyable. For one thing about 75 percent of the 2.5 mile course was uphill. Very uphill. I slogged through it nonetheless. I think I did that in about 30 mintues, but I will post the final timings when I get them. It may be slower because it also includes the transition time when I was changing my clothes between each event.

Every part of my body hurts right now. I have a mild fever from being dehydrated and a splitting headache, but as I rehydrate I am feeling better.

It was so great running past my friends and family-- I would have died if they were not there. When I crossed the finish line I was shocked I finished the race. This has been a great journey and it is only the beginning. This racing will be my thing for as long as I can do it. I will post pictures of the finish line and other shots as I get them.

Thank you so much for all of your support. My friends, Mary, Tom, Leslie, the Iron Maidens. My personal trainer Jason, (at times you have nearly killed me over the past few months!), my family Tom, Ben Jack, my parents, my sister Carol and Chris (we adore you Chris). It was great to have Carol, Chris, Tom and Mary, Jason and Helga standing at the worst part of the race- I really felt at that point like I was going to die. -- I didn't thankfully.

Many of you were able to join us afterwards for a celebratory brunch thing at Hamburger Hamlet, that was good- I only wish I could have stuck with my promise of eating a Bleu Cheese Bacon Cheeseburger- Didn't do it-- I ordered a salad and I've been talking about that burger for days-- oh well. I'll make up for it I'm sure.

All in all, this has been likely one of the best days in my life. It's great to accomplish difficult things you set out to do. I hope I can continue this- I certainly plan to. Best wishes to all of you.

I guess several months after starting this blog I can tell you at Mid-life the glass is most definitely HALF FULL not half empty-- and the more we make our journeys to success that glass gets filled. It's a great time and a great life I'm having and I'm grateful for my family, my friends and the grace of God!

BTW- I raised $1,300 for Cure Autism Now- thanks so much for all of your generous support! It's a great organization and your money will go to a great cause!

1. making it.
2. smiles so strong they hurt my face
3. friends and family being there for me
4. the aches and pains I'm feeling right now because I did a lot to get here
5. heat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You did a great job! Very proud of you. Can't wait to see the "new" Joanne :)