Sunday, May 25, 2014

Sick as a Dog!

Well, a gorgeous weekend, perfect for swimming and biking and enjoying the outdoors and I'm sick. High fever, sore throat, stomach not so great and I feel very weak. Bummed. My kids are being pretty good sports and helpful under the circumstances. I could sure use some TLC right now.

Five Favorite Things
1. cold water
2. that my chills are not too bad right this moment
3. that the kids are being such good sports
4. that hopefully this will be short-lived
5. that I have a book to read and I'm ok just taking care of myself

Monday, May 19, 2014

2,200 miles, 234,000 feet (44 miles) 145 Days

Wow, I feel like I've been loafing around feeling sad all the time. Well, I do feel pretty sad most of the time, but I also feel happy too--
I just added up all the miles on my bike and the miles in the pool since the beginning of this year. It is the middle of May and I've nearly made it across the country on my bike- I suppose I'd be in New Mexico? I've done 44 miles in the pool too. It adds up doesn't it?
well, I know I have a good deal of progress ahead but I sure feel a lot better now than I did back in January. I remember feeling like I couldn't even move my chest it hurt so bad. I've not experienced that degree of sadness too often in my life. I feel like I am looking back at it though. I've been reminding myself since January that I'm at the bottom of a mountain, not the bottom of a well. I don't feel like I'm at the bottom anymore. I'm not at the top, but I'm definitely not at the bottom

It has been quite a journey. Here I am. Still me, still sad, but I've got 2,200 miles on the bike behind me and 234,000 feet in the pool. All that in 145 days.

Five Favorite Things
1. swimming with Jack
2. being able to tally up some pretty good stuff
3. this quiet room
4. sunny days
5. that I'm being okay.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day Ride

Feeling a bit under the weather, but I'm going to get out and do a little ride. i will post pictures later

Five Favorite Things
1. great weather
2. a good cup of joe
3. a cozy home with bulldogs, guinea pigs and boys
4. eggs n toast
5. strawberry/pineapple smoothie

Friday, May 02, 2014

Ready to Go

All my art is up now at the restaurant, I added five more pieces. I also put up my artist statement in several areas- (a little unnerving)

I'm a bit tired, because it was a late night for me and a lot of work to do by myself, but I did it. I was thinking that it was sad not to have my partner with me but if he were with me he'd probably be thinking how much he hated me and hated being married anyway, so I suppose it's better just to handle things alone.

I'm not feeling well. I have been feeling under the weather for several days, but I'm still moving forward. It's really hard at times, but I suppose what doesn't kill me will make me stronger. Sometimes the lines between being killed or strengthened feel a bit blurred. :+)

I'm excited about the show and I'm glad it's going to be really good weather this weekend.

Five Favorite Things
1. that I got a lot of stuff done
2. that it's going to be a beautiful day
3. that all the laundry is done
4. a good night's sleep
5. another day

Thursday, May 01, 2014

Art Show This Weekend, Some Last Minute Painting!

I finished this last night at 1:00 am. I'm going to have to install this as the show is in process, which is kindof against the rules, but so be it.

This weekend is my art show. I have an all-artists opening reception on Friday night and then I will be onsite for most of the weekend as my art is viewed.

Five Favorite Things:
1. wearing a new dress
2. NO PAIN! in my knee
3. accepting that I am sad but also happy about things too
4. that my basement did not leak with the deluge of rain we received
5. that I finished the above painting!

My art show is part of the Takoma Art Hop. Click on these two logos- (Art Hop and Roscoe's) for details and directions.

Please come. I will be onsite where my art is on display at: (click on logo for details) I have a reception in the main dining room on Sunday May 4 from 3:30 to 5:30. Please come, I'll be there, you can ask me questions about my work and you can enjoy some amazing wood-fired pizza and some other tasty treats from this great establishment- lovely wine too!