Friday, April 06, 2007

I'm Back

It's terrible that I've been so neglectful here. I've certainly been hearing about it too.

Well, where do I begin. I've already had two races so far this year. A triathlon in March in Arizona and just this past weekend a 10-miler running race. (a total freak show with all these olympic types running it in under five minute miles). The Arizona trip was fabulous. Sapphire blue skies, warm sun and great time with my friend Leslie, who is quite skilled at the whole car dancing thing. What could be better?

So much has happened over the last few months it's hard to begin. Suffice to say I'm quite happy in a roller coaster sort of way. I'm eating, breathing, and loving this life. It is a good life indeed. It is so different than what I expected, but maybe that is what makes it so fun. One thing that is so good to know is that hearts mend and friendships last and what strength you have will make you even more strong.

I have another race in a few weeks. It's a local race and I'm looking forward to it. Hopefully my personal trainer, Jason, will be able to work with me a few times I've lost a good bit of my muscle strength- no iron maidens lifting recently. He put me through this terrible ab exercise stuff and I felt like I had abdominal surgery-- it hurt when i would cough.

Anyway, over the next few postings I will try and fill you in as much as possible. I'm still going strong, still doing the races, still self improving and still journeying on this road called life. more to come.

here is my race schedule: (i will update it with more accurate dates when I am able to do so)
March 12- Tucson triathlon
April 2- Cherry Blossom ten miler
April 29 Herndon triathlon
May- nuttin
June- 10 Delaware Flatlands century
June 17- Great Chesapeake Bay Swim (4.4 miles across!)
July 15-- tentative- Colonial Beach triathlon (olympic length)
Aug. 5- Culpepper Triathlon--
August 29- Iron Girl-- (hardest race)
Sept. 15/ either Dewey Beach Triathlon or the Washington Triathlon-- can't decide
Oct. 15 - the tinfoilman triathlon in Tucson
Nov- 16-- El'Tour- 110 mile bike race.

Freedom not mine

I would have you, but only in this heart
quiet, alone and unnoticed. Then changed.
But now eyes can see, and oh that these lips have been touched
sweet and strong.
But as a secret, can this be, and only
for a short while.
Then the day will indeed be gone.

1. this cozy warm bed
2. joyful imbalances
3. emails
4. diet mountain dew drinkers
5. germ freaks

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