Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Back to the grind

It's my third day back at work and I'm actually quite happy. I have even managed to work out two of the three days. I hope this is a habit here. Spending can also be an issue here because there are certainly some good stores for shopping-- I've already done a little of that too.

The first day back to work I wore a new brown dress from Ann Taylor, with a Linen/Silk jacket and my Manolo Blahniks!!! I will definitely be needing foot surgery in due time- there was a group of folks here doubtful I'd make it through the day in those killer shoes-- I did.

1. air conditioning
2. my Ipod
3. drinks at the end of this day
4. our nanny
5. adult interaction for a change!

Monday, July 10, 2006


Glory Days, Glory Days!!! Ok, sometimes things pay off-- actually managed today to stuff myself into a pair of 29X30 levis (the size I wore in college)!!!! They didn't look good, I had to nearly lie down to zip them up, but hey- they were on and zipped- Things are looking better and better for this girl in mid-life crisis.

I did a bunch of weight lifting today-- back up to my pre-surgery numbers and then I lounged by the pool for a couple of hours- reading my book, making calls and checking e-mail. I really like having a nanny-- I suppose the working part is something I will have to get used to- drat.

1. 29X30

Last week

This is the last week before I go back to work full-time-- It's going to be a very big change for me. A new chapter in this trip called life!

I have a triathlon less than a month away and I must still keep up my training. I am looking forward to the race and my plans are to just have fun and enjoy staying in the game. No beating myself up or killing myself to be competitive- fun, hard exercise!

That being said, I went out on a delightful ride last night on Sligo. There was a lot of flooding a week ago so the road is closed. Perfect for biking execept in one small part and I had a wonderful ride- cool, deep green and a lovely creek with the sounds of water trickling around the rocks-- Life does not get much better than this!

1. my bike
2. bike rides
3. good health
4. being grounded
5. moving on

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

100 Postings!!!!!

Ok, I've finally reached 100 today! And it's July! I am very sore after running my race yesterday- Yes, I indeed must work on the running part of my regimen. Today our new nanny started and it's very welcomed indeed, although it's kind of strange to see how bad of a parent both Tom and I are and how disorganized we are in comparison-- This is a new chapter and now there will be this great order to our lives- It's a great new beginning!

The race yesterday wore me out. It was stinking hot to say the least and the course was somewhat hilly- there were downhill parts but unfortunately for every downhill there's an uphill. Luckily it was all through residential areas so often times people would have their sprinklers on to cool off the runners-- very welcomed.

After the race-- (still before 9:00 am) they served a bunch of food including pizza- yuck- all I wanted was cold water- the smell of that hot pizza after running a race was appalling. I am very distracted today by something so I will keep this very brief.


1. A good orange
2.Our new nanny (she said she will make some spicy Jamaican food for us!!!!!!!)
3. A somewhat cleaned house
4. E-mails
5. being honest

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Surfing/Beach Pictures

Biking, NOT running to happiness

Okay, well in self-imposed policing of my laziness- I ran a 5K race this morning. Yuck. You will notice that my blog is titled BIKING, not Running to happiness-- there is a reason for this. I HATE RUNNING! It was very hot and I did not sleep well the night before and it was crowded. I did manage to finish although I had a very slow time 42 minutes. Usually I do these short races in about 35 minutes. It was a bit of a hilly course-- as the rule goes for every downhill, there's an uphill.

I did run into my friend Madeline, which was nice. I'm beginning to feel like I do all these races alone. (well, that's not true, Mary did the century with me) At any rate, I've got that triathlon in the Shenandoah mountains coming up-- August 6-- I don't know why I enlist myself for this torture. Although I have to say, finishing a race is fabulous. I have just 1.5 weeks before I go back to work full-time, the first time in 8 years. It should be very interesting. Many of my friends and family members are certain I will not be able to keep up my exercising. I will prove them wrong-- the YMCA opens at 5:30 am and I can also run at lunch.

It is stinking hot here and we are going to have a July 4th bicycle parade here in our neighborhood-- I don't know why I even bothered to take a shower today.


1. self esteem
2. finishing a race
3. Madeline
4. air conditioning
5. this cup of joe I'm drinking right now.