Friday, March 20, 2015

The Onion Snow!

Today is the first day of Spring and it is snowing. My mother calls it "the Onion Snow."  I guess this means its time to plant the onions (i don't plant onions fyi)

Things have been very busy at work and on the home front, but I'm doing my best to plow through and keep on task as much as possible.

Today I woke up feeling pretty fortunate. I've had some opportunity to get some pretty good perspective on things. I can't say I'm not sad. Yes I am sad at times, but I'm also pretty darn lucky. On a very high point, I fixed my outdoor lamp-post myself. Yay!!

I've got a big swollen eye (i think an infection of some sort) so I'm not looking my best, but it's just temporary.

This coffee I'm drinking right now is pretty good. I feel ok.

Five Favorite Things:
1. having the opportunity to see things from a new perspective
2. that today is Friday
3. that opportunity lies ahead
4. that I'm gettin on gettin on
5. ok, just gotta be thankful again for this great cup of Joe!

Happy First Day of Spring! (the bikes will be out this weekend!)

Sunday, March 15, 2015

A Guest Column from Jack

Below is a guest column from my 11 year old son. (pictured below)

So when you're feeling sad, things might not be the best. This can happen for many different reasons, but their are some mistakes that happen that you or someone you know might be making while fighting sadness.

Today I'm going to tell you what I think works to solve this problem. The first thing to do is, find out what you're sad about. This will help us understand what you have. To do this, imagine what ever caused your sadness, never happened. See what you would still have even if the cause of your problem never existed. You'll find values that make you, you. Now, when ever you do for some reason think of the cause, don't act hostile to it. It's like scratching a rash. The
more you scratch, the more itchy your rash will be. Don't scratch, and the itchiness will degrade. The same goes with your sadness, keep on thinking and talking about it, it'll bother you more. Don't, and it will get less affective. And my last final point is to get help if you need it. Now I know, you may not want to get some help, but you may have too. So, with all these things to keep in mind, all you need to do, is forget about your sadness. You might have problems on the first steps, But after that, you'll feel like it never happened! And remember, life has many opportunities, don't waste time thinking about the past, move forward.

(Jack's) Five Favorite Things:
1. Sherman (our bulldog)
2. Going to church today
3. Sleeping in my bed
4. Playing with the cat
5. Arizona sweet tea

Friday, March 13, 2015

Some Airport Thoughts

Sitting in the airport waiting to go home. Last year at this time,  I got knocked out at this very airport when a sign smacked into my head.-- nice concussion recovery thereafter (not fun)

Today, luckily I have no concussion, but I am feeling a bit sad. It's an ok sad, but it's sad. I googled how to mend a broken heart when I woke up this morning. I've actually googled that several times over the past year and there really isn't any advice other than- just get through it and don't try to get around it. So, right now, I'm in it I guess. I look forward to getting through it.

A good friend told me that a fast recovery, or very little recovery time would not really be a good sign-- It's normal to be sad. I've gotten all the answers and pretty much uncovered as much as I need to and while that process was necessary for me, the discovery was not so fun. Finding out the truth about people is necessary but it can be heart breaking. Everyone tells you when you go through things like this that it's all preparation for something better (or worse).

Well, I'm looking forward to getting home to see my kiddos and the doggy and the lazy cat and the demanding guinea pigs. I hope to put the brush to the canvas a bit and i will just keep carrying this broken heart until I don't have to.

Five Favorite Things:
1. free internet at the airport
2. just being here by myself after a busy week
3. getting through the past year and enjoying it.
4. extinguishing that hope stuff.
5. getting home.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

A Humorous Bit of Irony

I have always found that the folks who post or share sayings on their facebook pages about loyalty, the importance of love etc, being kind to people, valuing family etc, are the ones who least follow that advice or understand it.

just sayin

Five Favorite things
1.that the people in my life are true to their words
2. that art is alive
3. that hotel room coffee sometimes does the trick
4. that this week is almost over (very busy)
5. a good early morning swim!

Sunday, March 01, 2015

Ugh, Another Ice Storm. Here's Wishing for Spring

Five Favorite Things:
1. A good spin class
2. Coffee with a good friend
3. Finishing up things for my art show
4. Finishing up things for my job
5. Tasty Chili with two silly boys