Thursday, June 30, 2016


Spent a great weekend in Louisville, hence the photo for this posting. It was really hot there, but we had a great time- good food, good drink, happy people. I toured four different distilleries, which was fun as well- although the process is pretty similar so only one extensive tour is really needed.

Why the title ERDCO? Well, given that I live in the land of acronyms here in Washington, D.C. I decided to memorialize a lifestyle theme- something to remember. I'll admit- I am not always able to remember these. The main theme here is that you don't find happiness from others, you find it from within. I'me now getting pretty far away from a relationship that turned out to be very toxic and hurtful. I'm relieved to say that I'm the one who is able to look myself in the mirror. I'm relieved its almost three years past. It's a better place. That's not to say the bad stuff doesn't sting anymore. It does, but I'm not in it anymore.

Ok, back to the important stuff. E.R.D.C.O.
Exercise-- move those bones. get outdoors
Rest - take care of yourself. get sleep. get down time
Diet - enjoy yourself, don't beat yourself up about the fattening foods but try and eat stuff that makes you feel better
Creativity-- Learn new skills, paint things, produce good videos, write, design a great garden, whatever it might be
Organization- Get things in order. get rid of the old. Having an orderly life is less stressful.

I thought about designing a logo to put on t-shirts or whatever to remind myself- so ridiculous I know- but the process would have been practicing the C- part in the acronym. just sayin.

Five Favorite Things:
1. a window with a view for a change
2. a long weekend ahead
3. having a plan?
4. a fat cat sleeping next to me
5. not being sad the same way I was a few years ago. (still sad though)

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