Thursday, June 30, 2016


Spent a great weekend in Louisville, hence the photo for this posting. It was really hot there, but we had a great time- good food, good drink, happy people. I toured four different distilleries, which was fun as well- although the process is pretty similar so only one extensive tour is really needed.

Why the title ERDCO? Well, given that I live in the land of acronyms here in Washington, D.C. I decided to memorialize a lifestyle theme- something to remember. I'll admit- I am not always able to remember these. The main theme here is that you don't find happiness from others, you find it from within. I'me now getting pretty far away from a relationship that turned out to be very toxic and hurtful. I'm relieved to say that I'm the one who is able to look myself in the mirror. I'm relieved its almost three years past. It's a better place. That's not to say the bad stuff doesn't sting anymore. It does, but I'm not in it anymore.

Ok, back to the important stuff. E.R.D.C.O.
Exercise-- move those bones. get outdoors
Rest - take care of yourself. get sleep. get down time
Diet - enjoy yourself, don't beat yourself up about the fattening foods but try and eat stuff that makes you feel better
Creativity-- Learn new skills, paint things, produce good videos, write, design a great garden, whatever it might be
Organization- Get things in order. get rid of the old. Having an orderly life is less stressful.

I thought about designing a logo to put on t-shirts or whatever to remind myself- so ridiculous I know- but the process would have been practicing the C- part in the acronym. just sayin.

Five Favorite Things:
1. a window with a view for a change
2. a long weekend ahead
3. having a plan?
4. a fat cat sleeping next to me
5. not being sad the same way I was a few years ago. (still sad though)

Wednesday, May 04, 2016

Retiring a Flag

I came in last evening and witnessed my soon-to-be Eagle Scout son meticulously cutting away stripes from a worn flag. It seemed like such a tedious process as he carefully removed every stripe and then rolled each of those faded red and white strips carefully into a row.

It seems strange to put so much effort into something easily replaced. The stripes are removed carefully, but the blue square with all the stars stays in one piece. All of the flag's parts are then burned in a solemn procedure only conducted by authorized types, such as scouts. Why must some parts be removed?

Taking apart some of the flag, but leaving some of it whole seems puzzling to me, but on the other hand it also makes a bit of sense. You say goodbye to something and that means certain parts are not a part of it anymore and it becomes just one small important piece. I guess that's how my heart feels at times. It is inevitable that one must say goodbye to people, places, times and phases of our lives. What remains is a smaller, but core piece. It's better to do all that with honor, but it's not always easy and unfortunately it doesn't always happen that way.

I haven't written here in a while because I've been busy and I just wanted to process things a bit differently. I'm still carrying around a heavy heart, but it's also one that has joy in it too and it feels like that acceptance stuff is getting close.

Five Favorite Things:
1. rushing water after a rain storm on my drive this morning
2. a quiet place to work
3. that I still remembered how to tag a photo so words will wrap around it
4. strong coffee
5. a sense of accomplishment

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Snow, Snow, Snow

I've been in this house now for five straight days. We had more than two feet of snow. At first it was pretty cozy working inside, but I'm getting a little stir crazy now. Also the shoveling was a huge deal. Holden Caufield (pictured here) has been a great companion and I've also had some great conversations with friends and family. Everyone is safe, so that's the main thing. I'm still dealing with grief, but it is different now. It isn't keeping me from being happy, if that makes sense.

I have had my fill of snow. .

I've been doing a great deal of work in video editing. Frankly I love the solice for that. It's a perfect scenario. I start another course in a couple of weeks, so I will then be trained in all of the major video editing software tools used in the industry. Yay-- who would have thought. Also been working on this giant painting. The cables are hard to paint but I'm slowly progressing. I have more bridge paintings planned. Excited. Painting makes me happy. I'm lucky to have it as a side interest.

Anyway, I haven't turned into a crazy person. Although I feel like I look like it now. I won't display a picture of how I look today. I've been wearing the same t-shirt for two days and I have on faded pajama pants. but hey- this is my home office uniform.

Goals for 2016. Finish my second film,
Set dates for filming next project
finish my series of "structures" paintings for upcoming art show
be more organized
continue losing weight (a little challenging this weekend)
cut out carbs
move forward and appreciate the silver linings (even the bad stuff has silver linings)

There is joy to be found in anything. Sometimes its a skill that's hard to maintain. I will keep trying. I am very blessed with two beautiful boys, a great job, wonderful life-long friends, a loving family and lots and lots of great projects on my plate. I've enjoyed this cozy house this weekend in the snow and I generally have good health. These are all priceless.

Five Favorite Things.
1. A plowed streets (finally!)
2. Truly wishing for a happy birthday for people (only good wishes even though they are not nice)
3. the ability to learn
4. having power
5. being ok.

This is Joy!

Monday, January 18, 2016

Cold January Evening: To Paint a Bridge

It was a cold weekend. I was warm at times, but it is super cold. I am pondering a lot of things going on in my life and wondering why I have a beautiful film I've not finished editing. Today I worked a bit on this. I have a good deal more to do but it's fun in the process.

Five Favorite Things:
1. dark chocolate ice cream
2. painting again
3. being ok
4. things that are like big baguettes (:+)
5. long restful weekends