Thursday, September 11, 2014

New Chapter

Sometimes it is so hard to move forward. Believe me, I feel like I've been walking through quicksand for the past nine months. I've been told this is not a very long period of time in terms of recovering from a major change in my life, but it feels like forever to me. Even so, I can't speed up the recovery process. Grief has its own schedule. What I can do is look forward, focus on building good things in my life and strengthening that which is already in my life and not being hard on myself.

I've been angry, sad, numb, happy, scared, tired, sleepless etc  over the past several months and given the circumstances, much of this was with an emotional dial fixed on the highest setting. It's been really challenging. I can honestly say that I have learned a great deal over the past several months. Sometimes I have been stubborn and in denial too. I've learned not only much about life and people and expectations, but I've learned a lot about myself. Hardships can also bring about good things. I can't say I'd like to sign up for hardship, but if hardship comes the best thing is to learn and build from it. Believe me, it's a work in progress.

Anyway, as trite as it sounds: Life does indeed go on. The goal is to make the next steps be steps that build. Sometimes bad steps will be taken. Ultimately, I can still have a smile on my face and yes, I still will have many more tears to shed. Either way, there is a path ahead.

Five Favorite Things:
1. That six years is only a small portion of 50 years
2. My upcoming trip
3. Getting some projects done at work
4. Having healthy, happy boys in my life
5. Doing my best to move forward

Monday, September 08, 2014

Haven't Been Biking in a Long Time, But That's Okay

I realized today, that I have not been out on the bike in about a month! But this is okay. I've been busy, hiking, wildernessing in Idaho, painting etc. So it's all good.

This weekend I had an outdoor adventure with my two sons and one of their friends. It was great fun, even in a rain storm. We had a good team and a lot of fun together. A little tent shortage situation, but we were able to double up and work things out.

Five Favorite Things:
1. focusing on happy stuff
2. getting outside
3. sleeping in my real bed last night (I'll admit)
4. looking forward to another trip
5. managing a bunch of things and accepting that you can be sad and happy and maybe not feeling all that well at the same time and it will be okay.

Monday, September 01, 2014

The last weekend of Summer

It was a busy weekend and also a bit sad being the last weekend of Summer. My oldest son marched in the parade today with his band and later we spent time with friends at the pool. Tomorrow, back to the grind.

Five Favorite Things
1. a clean house
2. getting all the dessert stuff out of here
3. a good night's sleep
4. cold water
5. a comfy home