Wednesday, August 06, 2008

New Chapters

Hmm. where to I begin?

Well, it would be an understatement to say that much has happened since April. But indeed much has happened and this road called Life has gotten very exciting.

I won't endeavor to tell all but I will say that I had a great race in the Shenandoah on Sunday. It was my 11th or 12th triathlon-- i have to go back and count. It was a hard race and I got stung by a bee during the biking portion but I had a great time and I will do it again next year- This time I woke up at 3:30 and drove there the morning of the race and I think I will do that again.

I am home for a few weeks now before I start a new job and I'm very excited about my new job- more later on that but suffice to say, change is a good thing- and I bring all my years of writing and analyzing to a new level with a great group of people.

Things have been going very well with my family- we are all happy and that is a good thing.

I will give more details later but this is just a quickie to let you know that life is indeed good.

1. Not losing sight on the important stuff
2. This big cup of joe I'm enjoying
3. Friends that never lose faith in yo7u
4. Juicy peaches picked just for me
5. Waking up with my five year old little Jack next to me.